Water transmission
As a rule, large-scale water transportation systems span hundreds of kilometers and include pipes of a large nominal diameter.
These networks often consist of parallel pipelines and continuously guarantee the availability of high-quality drinking water to thousands, even millions of households and companies in major cities and urban areas. Highest product quality and reliability are therefore of greatest importance.
In many of these systems pumps are used to transport water across hills or to water towers.
TALIS offers a large selection of valves for this application. Our range extends from butterfly valves and pump start-up valves via pump by-passes, air valves for filling and draining pipes, to non-return check valves for pumps.
For the transmission of water, an optimal design of the installation is of utmost importance as it directly impacts its reliability and longevity. In addition, only correct sizing with optimal flow values can ensure economical and long-term operation of the pumps with minimal energy cost. With many years of experience in this field, our project engineers are key for a proper network design.